how to improve your skin right now!

Welcome to my blog beauties!  how you can get fully hydrated skin just by flowing simple steps which we ignore mostly. 
winter is almost here and just not that our dry skin issues also..
Your skin is your body’s largest organ, weighing in at about 6 pounds and covering a surface area of 18 square feet. A little science fact which i just came to know my self hehe anyways. 
do you know your eating habits are also effecting your skin health?

What we eat is what we get!

Our food choices have direct effect on our skin it is up to us what we chose to eat which can help us gain our skin at its best. try to include organic food in to your diet, eat fruits and vegetables as we know they are filled with lots of healthy vitamins and stuff that can help skin to regain its number one is "healthy food/ diet".

Moisturize as much as you can.

secondly pamper your skin as much as you can i know sometimes it is difficult to do it on daily basis but we do wash our face regularly right? applying a little good moisturizer afterwards wont hurt us. at least not our skin.

Vitamin e oil a miracle.

vitamin E is a great source to restore skin goodness easily and in no is best for extremely dry skin. applying a lite amount of vitamin e oil will keep your skin younger looking and wrinkle free. who doesn't want to look and stay young always ?!

Olive oil made in heaven.

now comes the easy part and that is have a good night skin regime. just apply a fine thin olive oil layer onto your skin after cleansing and there you go girl! you will be rooking your healthy glowing skin in morning. trust me on that!
hope you will follow these steps , its not that hard rite? do let me know about your thoughts on this. 

which tip you liked the most, let me know in comments section


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